Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Obama Crashers

Ok so by now everyone who is anyone should have heard about the way over the top blown out of proportion incident with the couple crashing a dinner that our dear President Obama was attending. So to make a long story short a few days ago a couple had supposedly crashed a state dinner, and the nation is in an uproar. Everyone is concerned with how and why this happened, but like always before they even have the facts in. Apparently according to a today show interview they not only were invited they had the emails to prove it. Even with this they were not on the guest list and should have been barred from entering with the party, so now many people are concerned with the safety of the president. Another slanderous issue floating around the web is that the couple was looking for bids for their interviews and getting some as high as a hundred thousand dollars, this obviously has not been verified but since they are trying to get on the real housewives of D.C. many feel it was an intentional breech. So now that the focus of a nation is on this unlucky couple and as of yesterday have many different civil suits brought against them even though as of now it does no seem like they will be charged. This is just sad that such a scandal makes headlines when there are so many issues that are much more important, like what has happened with tiger woods the whole world is waiting to know.

1 comment:

  1. I laughed pretty hard when I read your post!! A friend of mine at work and I were just talking about the "news" of the day and how Tiger Woods and the party crashers made the top news... Although I can't help but not to be surprised at how much news time those two events absorbed and many many other celebrity stories in the past as well. I think a large amount of people are so absorbed in the rich and famous lives of others and the news media takes full advantage of it.
