Friday, December 11, 2009

Post Four

I know I know so late, but in the great words of Theodore Roosevelt, "Better late than never...". Now on with the main attraction, so this is long past due but for this blog we were instructed to write a critique about a suggested blog and I found Michael Steele. Wow is all I can say, politicians are supposed to be smart, intellectual, and well educated role models. First of all Michael Steele makes comments he knows absolutely nothing about and is also what appears to me a pretty bad racist. While addressing the issue on global warming he just throws out his own theory with no scientific backing. Then to defend it he uses the basis that not only he has no proof but also that no one has no proof. He then goes straight into the topic of Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize and instead of asserting to a winner who won for similar reasons as Obama, he jumps straight to Martin Luther King Jr.; another African American recipient. After reading the article and watching to the video of the interview it just made me really sad that this is what American politics has come to.

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