Friday, December 11, 2009

Number Five

Well a good semester must come to an end and I luckily get to end on a good note due to my procrastination. For this blog we get the great and exciting task of blogging about the national government. So for this one I am choosing a topic near and dear to my heart; Animal cruelty.
Laws protecting animals in America are minimal at best. This is ridiculous when we have laws protecting or preventing virtually everything else. Now when I say everything, I mean just that, there is a law in Gary Indiana that on the second tuesday of march it is illegal to wear yellow while walking near the courthouse. So they have laws like that but not a general set of laws set forth to protect the majority of wild and domestic animals alike. I feel that there need to be national laws preventing the harm and causeless killing of animals. I understand that there is such things as overpopulation and exotic invasive species, but as a whole animals are becoming endangered as humans find them less and less useful. So let America be the first to give animals rights as a whole and not just the endangered and protected ones. So give mites and animals that bite the right.... to live.

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